MCTI has been the recipient of a number of honors over the years, and is one of the top community theatres in Western Kentucky.
The arts in Muhlenberg County have gone through some very positive changes including a Partnership with the Felix E. Martin Jr. Hall. This new partnership allows for some of the MCTI productions each year to be held in this state of the art educational venue. Our gratitude is expressed to all who helped make this possible. We feel this relationship with the Felix E. Martin Jr. Hall and its staff will allow even more opportunities for MCTI to offer the community quality productions, as well as allow for further growth.
As we enter our 40th season of MCTI, we hope to continue offering community productions that will entertain and enrich our citizens as we continue to educate students through the youth productions and allow them to grow as performers.
To stay up-to-date with all the latests auditions, productions, and events, check our website frequently and follow up on social media (FaceBook, Instagram, and Twitter).
Theatre is the work of many magicians. Some are seen while others remain in the shadows; but, together the adage remains true...."The Show Must Go On!"